DAGOR Competing for Infantry Squad Vehicle

This could be the Army’s new Infantry Squad Vehicle The Army is in the hunt for lightweight expeditionary all-terrain vehicle that can pack a nine-man squad and associated combat equipment. Dubbed the Infantry Squad Vehicle, or ISV, the Army is seeking to procure nearly 651 of the highly mobile lightweight vehicles spanning fiscal year 2020 …

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CANSOF DAGORs with Turrets and M2 Machine Gun Mounts

Rise of the ultra-light military vehicle Globally, special forces are continuing to bear the brunt of deployed operations and as a result, there is a continuing need to adapt and develop these forces. Among the emerging requirements are faster, more agile and deployable ground vehicles than those with which general purpose units are equipped.

DAGOR with MSG M2 and FLETCHER Mounts on an MSG Turret

SOFIC 2018: Arnold Defense Showcasing FLETCHER on Polaris DAGOR Posted On At SOFIC 2018, the International Special Operations Forces Industry Exhibition Conference currently taking place in Tampa, Arnold Defense, the St Louis based international manufacturer and supplier of 2.75-inch rocket launchers, is showing a concept named the “FLETCHER” 2.75-inch/70mm Weapon System. Arnold Defense FLETCHER on …

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